Prepare For The Future With Our AI Ecosystems™️ Readiness Assessment

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Are you ready for what’s to come? I’m talking about AI Ecosystems™️.

I know that sounds like a vague question, but with all of the advances in AI technology over the past few years, it’s a fair one. 

Today, we’re working AI into our workflows, and soon, it’ll be all about AI Ecosystems™️. How can you prepare for all of those things at once? 

Well, you can start by taking an assessment to see where you stand. My team and I have put one together to help give you an idea of where you stand and get the conversation going.

Let’s Start With AI Ecosystems™️

First, we’re going to lay down some groundwork for the concept of AI, just as a quick refresher. This isn’t science fiction, and nor is it what’s now known as AGI: Artificial General Intelligence— the hypothetical AI that matches or exceeds our intelligence. 

The AI tools available today are a machine learning ecosystem that allows you to do things like:  

  • Ask questions using natural language and get a result
  • Provide your own data and search within that system for answers
  • Analyze mammoth amounts of data to come to a conclusion faster than humans can

The potential of AI is pretty huge, and that’s just with the tools we have today. Between all the people investing in AI and the money behind them, there are a lot of things we can do now and in the future. 

What Is an AI Ecosystem™️? 

Think about what AI is today. You’ve got chatbots, tools for graphics, and so on—but what the heck is an AI Ecosystem™️? Well, it’s two things. 

An AI Ecosystem™️ is all of the AI related tools at your place of business that you’re going to use. Whether it’s DALL-E, ChatGPT, Claude, or all of them, you need to determine what you’re using and for what. 

The second definition is bigger. Today, you may think about an AI ecosystem as just within your company’s physical (or virtual) walls. But soon, this will mean incorporating your AI Ecosystem™️ with other companies’ AI Ecosystems™️ so you can create a giant ecosystem for everything. 

Now, while that sounds like a lot of ecosystems because I put the word three times in one sentence, it’s all additive. Think of it like atoms in a molecule. Each atom is its own ecosystem, but when they come together to form a molecule, it’s still an ecosystem, but one made up of smaller and different versions. 

Why would you want to do this? 

Because data is power, particularly regarding the global supply chain. Right now, we silo it all in places that only we can get. If we reach across the aisle and work together, we can dramatically improve efficiency across the entire chain. But that’s going to take a clear AI strategy. 

How Can Companies Create a Clear AI Strategy? 

Today, right now, companies need to plan for the future of AI. You start with figuring out which tools you’re going to use and need in the company. Does this mean employees are allowed to use ChatGPT to feed their businesses’ data into the system? Probably not, but you could make the argument that upgrading their laptops to CoPilot PCs might be a good idea. 

So, how can companies create a clear AI strategy? 

You need to determine what AI will look like at your place of work. Is it very loose, or are you going all in? Do you want to create your own ecosystem of AI tools? What does successful AI adoption look like for you? You have to answer all of these questions and more, and that’s pretty daunting. 

However, the easiest way to create a clear AI strategy is to determine your state of AI readiness with our AI Readiness Assessment. 

What Is AI Readiness? 

My team and I have built the AI Readiness Assessment tool. This tool is designed to help you perform an audit on your company and figure out how ready it is to enter an AI future. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a much better idea of how prepared you are—or aren’t—to enter an AI future. 

Now, successful AI deployment is complicated, and there are a lot of things to consider. But it all starts with the AI Readiness Assessment. Once you have that in your pocket, you can determine what steps you need to take next. 

Want to take it? Of course, you do. Head to our AI Readiness Assessment now and get after it. AI is our future. Are you prepared? Let’s find out together.


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